Sleep deprivation and weight gain
Sleep deprivation makes you eat more. Sleep trumps exercise when it comes to weight loss and maintenance.
Poor sleep increases hunger and we need 7-8 hours of sleep in the dark at night. Any more or any less sleep and it increases our risk of diabetes. Studies show that energy intake increases by 385 calories following partial sleep deprivation of 3.5-5.5 hours.
Light exposure at night increases risk of obesity. Also studies show that 1 and 2 hours of light from self-illuminating devices suppressed melatonin by 23 and 38% respectively.
- Sleep in complete darkness, Even the tiniest bit of light in the room, can disrupt your internal clock and your production of melatonin and serotonin. If you have to have some light, use a red bulb.
- Keep the temperature in your bedroom no higher than 20 degrees
- Eliminate electric and electromagnetic fields (EMFs)
- Consider separate bedrooms
- Get to bed as early as possible, ideally between 9 and 10 PM
- Maintain a consistent bedtime & Go to the toilet right before bed
- Avoid eating at least 3 hours before bedtime, esp. grains & sugars
- Use controlled breathing exercises & no electronic devices before bed
- Have your adrenals checked by a good natural medicine practitioner
- if you are menopausal or pre menopausal, get checked out by a good natural medicine physician
- Also Lose weight, Avoid caffeine, Avoid alcohol & Exercise regularly