Sugar Facts
Some interesting facts taken from that Sugar book.
Read MoreSome interesting facts taken from that Sugar book.
Read MoreIf you are trying to lose weight, it’s time to come and have a consultation with Dr Kelly to help improve your weight loss outcomes. Don’t wait until it’s too late…
Read MoreAre you tight in your Ankles? You need to be able to move your ankles in their full range of motion. When ankles have limited range of motion, the force travels up to the next joint, your knees.Tightness in the ankles can also affect the range of motion in your hips, calves and may effect […]
Read MoreScents can have a powerful influence on your well-being, health and healing ability. Aromatherapy uses concentrated essences of various botanicals and harnesses the healing properties of plants.
Read MoreRecent study shows Cancer patients with type 2 diabetes are 23 % to have received cancer diagnosis during the decade preceding their diabetes diagnosis compared to non-diabetic. Research has also shown people with prediabetes have a 15 % higher risk of cancer higher risk of cancer, especially cancers of the liver, stomach, pancreas, breast and […]
Read MoreLess than six hours per night may leave you: considerably cognitively impaired, with memory and learning difficulties, with impaired immune function, with a slower reaction time, effected decision making ability’s and heightened emotions.
Read MoreA food additive is any substance that is not normally consumed as a food in itself and is not normally an ingredient, but which is allowed to be there if it fulfills a technological function in the final food. Watch out for the following.
Read MoreCellulite can be stubborn. But you can combat cellulite in the early stages, and prevent it by promoting healthy circulation and reducing fat in the area. By exercising regularly. Apart from a healthy organic diet free form processed foods, and regular walking these exercises are proven to have great cellulite fighting capabilities. They particularly great […]
Read MoreWe do not just do massage at Correct Body Maintenance but also have a qualified Reiki practitioner. Call us to make a booking with Benjamin Robins today.
Read MoreAlways eat in a relaxed quiet atmosphere. Avoid working, reading or watching the television while eating. Read on for more tips.
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