How to be Elderly and still have a good memory | Correct Body Maintenance

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How to be Elderly and still have a good memory

What Do Elderly People With Good Memories Have In Common ?

For many, “aging” is synonymous with aches and pains, forgetfulness,  loneliness, and ultimately death. Aging is inevitable, but research actually shows that how you think about it can make a big difference in how  gracefully you age. As it turns out, holding on to negative stereotypes about aging may have a significant impact on your quality of life.


· Mind Over Matter—Your Mental Outlook Affects Your Fitness

· Real Age Versus  Perceived Age—Is A   Matter of Choice

· Self Perception— Positive attitudes, optimism, and a zest for life.

· Eating Well for Graceful Aging

· Exercise Is an Excellent ‘Anti-Aging’ Tool

· To Live Longer, Learn to Manage Your Stress and Think Positively