September 2017 Newsletter | Correct Body Maintenance

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September 2017 Newsletter

















Parkinson’s Disease

A disorder of the central nervous system. It may strike at any age, but  the risk of getting it          increases with age.

Omega-3 fats in your diet may protect your brain cells. It works by preventing the misfolding of a protein resulting from a gene mutation in  neuro degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Huntington’s.

The DHA found in omega 3 fats such as fish oil may help to ward off  Parkinson’s by:Reducing brain inflammation, stimulating neuron growth, development and repair  of     synapses, protects brain’s function by supporting optimal glutamate function.  Glutamate and GABA are considered your brain’s ‘workhorse’ neurotransmitters. They work together to control your brain’s overall level of excitability, which controls many body processes.