Fasting is a great way to detox the body and wash away all the impurities. Read on to find out how it may help you.
Read MoreFasting is a great way to detox the body and wash away all the impurities. Read on to find out how it may help you.
Read MoreChiropractors use a specific type of manipulation called an adjustment to improve many health problems that are related to the skeleton and muscular system. Spinal conditions such as lower back or neck pain, headaches, digestive dysfunction, fertility, weight loss and other hormone imbalances can all be treated with holistic chiropractic care. Dr Tanya Kelly has […]
Read MoreEat a diet full of fresh, organic fruits and vegetables and you won’t need to worry about your health as “food is thy medicine”.
Read MoreGet a free upgrade to a 90 minute massage if you refer someone to our clinic for massage.
Read MoreGet summer ready with these exercises to combat cellulite.
Read MoreRemember it is not only the quality of your food which counts but also the way your prepare and cook your meals which may have a significant impact on your health.
Read MoreEat these foods for optimal health. Ensure your food is organic and sourced from quality suppliers for the most nutrient dense food. Coconut oil, organic free range eggs and Whey protein concentrate all sold at Correct body Maintenance.
Read MoreApple Cider Vinegar is one of those products that everyone should use on a daily basis and if done can help significantly boost your health. Read the following to discover how Apple Cider Vinegar may help you.
Read MoreAn apple a day really might just keep the doctor away! Read on to find out how.
Read MoreHippocrates said “Walking is man’s best medicine” – and this sentiment still holds true today. We have walked more and longer than any other animal or machine powered transportation combined. The benefits to our health are endless and regular brisk walking improves our overall health dramatically. it strengthens our bones, regulates our blood pressure, reduces […]
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