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Tonsillectomy-Long Term Risks









People who have their tonsils or adenoids removed before age 9 years are at higher risk for respiratory, infectious, and allergic diseases up to the age of 30 years, a population-based study of almost 1.2 million patients suggests.

“We found that tonsillectomy was associated with a nearly tripled risk of upper respiratory tract diseases, and that adenoidectomy was associated with doubled risk of [chronic obstructive pulmonary disease] and upper respiratory tract diseases and nearly doubled risk of conjunctivitis,” Sean Byars, PhD, from the University of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia, and colleagues write.

“Understanding the longer-term impact of these surgeries is critical  because the adenoids and tonsils are parts of the immune system, have known roles in pathogen detection and defence, and are usually removed at ages when the development of the immune system is sensitive.”

So how can we improve children’s immune systems?

  • Eat bitter foods and 6 handfuls of vegetables a day
  • High levels of Vitamin D
  • Drinking 8 cups of filtered water a day
  • 8-10 hours of sleep a night
  • A Practitioner multivitamin supplement with iron and zinc for children
  • Playing outside in the dirt
  • A practitioner only probiotic