Our Holistic Chiropractor is very successful in treating not only spinal conditions, but hormonal imbalances, weight issues, inflammation and toxicity, and to help you to overcome the stresses that we are dealt on a daily basis. The spine houses and protects much of the body’s central nervous system. Poor spinal health can have a huge impact on your well-being and general health. Your nervous system controls every function in your body, and by the time that you feel pain, at least 50 per cent of your nervous system is irritated. Most times the effects are gradual; not even felt until they become serious (and then we blame bad bed, pillows etc..) Chiropractors are the only Doctors that specialize in finding and correcting Subluxations. Subluxations are caused by stress: (Chemical, Physical and Emotional) making your body unable to adapt to your daily stresses.
Remember how your Mum always told you to sit up straight because it was healthier? Well, she was on the right track, but not entirely correct. Care of your spine helps to prevent arthritis, osteoarthritis, Dowagers humps and poor posture. Having your body working well enough so that it stays upright without any effort is the thing that is healthy, and that is one of our main aims. You should have lots of flexibility and movement and equality on both sides, with no pain.
Unfortunately, too many of us also know what it feels like to lose some of that strength and flexibility, as a result of trauma, lack of exercise (or doing the wrong kind of exercise) or just aging. A healthy spine is capable of taking a lot of punishment as we go about our daily lives. Traumas such as birth, surgery, schoolyard falls and car accidents can cause the vertebrae to start moving abnormally, or worse still, stop moving altogether.
We successfully treat and manage many wonderful people, from 1 day old babies to 75 year olds. The progress we see in people is astounding. We also photograph our clients before and after each Chiropractic Adjustment visit. Everyone feels so much better, and the photographs visually show a big improvement too.
We use Advanced Biostructural Correction and Dry Needling to improve structure and change your function.
Chronic Disease Management Plan (Medicare)
GP’s are able to provide an CDMP referral to Chiropractors allowing 5 consultations fees to be claimed from Medicare however the initial consultation needs to be paid by the client.
We welcome CDMP referrals. Please advise us when making an appointment if you have a CDMP referral.
We accept GP referrals for DVA patients. Please advise us when making a booking to check your eligibility.
Chiropractic Fees:
Initial Consultation and Long Appointments: $110
Standard adjustment: $75
Re-Examination: $80
Dry Needling: $80
24 hour Cancellation Policy Applies or a fee is charged.
Correct Body Maintenance | Located in Eagleby QLD