What are SPM’s? | Correct Body Maintenance

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What are SPM’s?















Specialised Proresolving Mediators(SPM’s) are metabolites from Omega 3 Fatty Acids that co-ordinate the resolution of inflammation.

Resolvins, protectins, and maresins are produced in the body from the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).

SPMs perform a myriad of actions. Cleaning up the inflamed tissue. Regulating macrophage polarisation; SPMs trigger the macrophage switch from the M1 to the M2 phenotype, therefore promoting resolution and the return to homeostasis. Beyond promoting resolution, SPMs reduce inflammation, decreasing proinflammatory and increasing anti-inflammatory mediator production.19 increase the clearance of inflammatory mediators. SPMs also modulate the activity of anti-inflammatory mediators.

SPMs reduce inflammation and promote resolution, without immunosuppression, unlike anti-inflammatories. SPMs stimulate macrophage dependent bacterial clearance and protect against septicaemia induced cytokine storm and improve antibiotic effectiveness.