Orthostatic Hypotension | Correct Body Maintenance

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Orthostatic Hypotension









Ever get dizziness from sitting or lying to standing?  Chances are you have orthostatic hypotension, as a result of your blood pressure being unable to raise quickly enough to adapt to the change in posture.

Strategies to improve this:

Move regularly-Without gravity, your vestibular system begins to  deteriorate; hence, astronauts lose spatial awareness. Inactivity    mimics low gravity situations, so inactivity will increase your risk of poor  balance and the possibility of falling. Even the elderly can regain mobility and independence simply by standing up for a short time every half hour or so.  You want to stay in more or less continuous motion during waking hours.

Have your heart checked

Thyroid and Adrenal gland support

Eat large amounts of vegetables each day

Take an alkalizing Mineral formula

Keep vitamin D around 150-200nmol/L

Take a Practitioner Quality Magnesium supplement.

Drink 2 litres of filtered water a day