Vegan Diet and Chronic Kidney Disease | Correct Body Maintenance

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Vegan Diet and Chronic Kidney Disease









A vegan diet can be useful for restoring kidney function, if you have been told that your kidneys are fatigued. When renal insufficiency progresses, more specific renal diets are prescribed to reduce uremic toxin retention, phosphate and sodium load. They include  low-protein regimens, namely the  conventional, animal-based low  protein (0.6 g/kg/day), or the vegan low protein (0.7 g/Kg/day) diet, or the  vegan, very low protein (0.3 g/kg/day) diet supplemented with essential amino acids and keto-acids.

These renal diets are based on the control of protein, sodium and phosphate intake, while preserving nutritional status by high energy intake and adequate essential amino acids supply.     Calcium, Iron, Polyunsaturated Fatty acids (PUFAs), Vitamin K, Fibre, Alkali intake and native Vitamin D represent other types of  supplements potentially useful in CKD patients.

The Vegan Diet and Very Low Protein Diet also provide high amounts of fibre and Vitamin K1, with a very low acid load. These features may have  favourable effects on Vitamin K status, intestinal microbiota and acid-base balance and thus allow better function of the kidneys.