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Vegetable Intake and Falls















The role of vegetable and fruit intake in reducing falls risk in elderly populations was explored in a recent study. Falls-related hospitalisations were lower in participants consuming more vegetables, particularly cruciferous vegetables, but not fruit intake.  In conclusion, elderly women with higher total and cruciferous vegetable intake had lower injurious falls risk, which may be explained in a large part by better physical function. Falls reduction may be considered an additional benefit of higher vegetable intake in older women.

This is because only vegetables create a better acid base balance in the blood and cause minerals to be placed in the bone where they belong and not excreted in the toilet.  Minerals depletion can occur 30 years before being  detected, so it is important to teach your children to eat a lot vegetables from the beginning of life. I can tell the children who eat a lot of vegetables from those who don’t by the amazing results that they achieve in such a short space of time.  As soon as we start changing our diets, we will have less illness and better quality of lives for the long term.