Weight regain after weightloss surgery | Correct Body Maintenance

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Weight regain after weightloss surgery














Bariatric surgery is an invasive Band-Aid that puts your long-term health at risk.

There are three primary types of weight loss surgery:

  • Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band
  • Gastric sleeve
  • Gastric bypass

 In addition to a risk of infection, premature death or leaking from the areas of the stomach that have been stapled, bariatric surgery can make it difficult for you to absorb nutrients from the food you eat, leading to related health problems like anaemia and  osteoporosis.

A new study identifies several factors associated with weight regain after bariatric surgery: Reducing sedentary behaviour, avoiding fast food, addressing binge and loss of control eating, and other specific eating behaviours, such as eating continuously and eating when full, and promoting self-weighing at least weekly were indicated as the most important post-surgery behavioural targets.

A far better option is to learn to eat the way your body needs to lose weight; a ketogenic diet is the secret to healthy weight loss and a true “cure” for obesity, intermittent fasting and interval training.