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Why digestive aids cause harm














One of the reasons why people are sick is due to poor digestion. Many people begin experiencing stomach acid (hydrochloric acid and pepsin) problems and poor digestion in their 30s and 40s.

When you are not chewing or digesting your food, the protein molecules are not broken down and this can cause  inability to absorb iron and B12 from the food, and  fermentation of the      protein molecules and large  particles of protein molecules, so that they are impossible to absorb in the small intestine.

Low stomach acid is usually the source of indigestion, GERD and heartburn or burping, and due to So-called digestive aids, including proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers (Pepsid AC, Prilosec, Zantac, etc) which will actually endanger your health because they shut down stomach acid production.  Similarly, Bicarb soda is equally dangerous, as it neutralizes stomach acid, and is very quickly excreted via the kidneys before creating any alkalizing effect.  To increase blood alkalinity, it is best to use Basica, professional Alkalizing products or  Pancreatic Enzymes.  If you have had bariatric surgery, you are at high risk of protein and mineral deficiencies, as a result of low stomach acid.

A major factor for producing many of the symptoms of acid reflux is an organism called Helicobacter pylori, which causes chronic low-level inflammation of your stomach lining.

To improve Acid Reflux, reduce Helicobacter Pylori with Professional Supplements such as Biogaia Probiotic, Toxaprevent and


Increase the stomach acid by:        

  • Increase Vitamin D Use Himalayan Rock Salt
  • Lots of vegetables Exercise                                                       Apple Cider Vinegar                                 Digestive Enzymes or Gastro Aid.