What environmental factors cause gut inflammation? | Correct Body Maintenance

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What environmental factors cause gut inflammation?















Exposure to surface sprays, such as insect inhibitors in childhood creates gut Dysbiosis in adulthood.

Glyphosate is found in all grains, especially gluten free.

Artificial sweeteners induce Dysbiosis.

Smokers and passive smokers are exposed to high levels of cadmium.     Arsenic is in many popular foods such as rice, beer, chicken, cruciferous  vegetables. Cadmium, lead and arsenic don’t allow the infiltration of good     bacteria and changes in the bacterial diversity in the gut.  The greatest cause of inflammation in the body is immune  reaction in your gut.

Why do toxins affect our gut so much?

  • Interfere with enzyme activity
  • Induce Dysbiosis
  • Alter composition and metabolite production by producing more allergic amines
  • Leaky gut causes repeated recycling via the liver.
  • Require proper methylation to breakdown heavy metals
  • There is a strong correlation between gut microbiota and chronic disease.