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Why you need salt














Why you need salt

Your ideal sodium blood level is 139, with an optimal range of 136 to 142. If it is much lower, you probably need to eat more salt; if it is higher, you’ll likely want to restrict your salt intake. If you have weak adrenals you will lose sodium and need to eat more natural salt to compensate.

A strictly vegetarian diet contains about 0.75 grams of salt per day, and it’s been estimated that the Paleolithic diet contained about 1 to 1.5 grams, which was clearly sufficient for survival.

Studies suggest salt may have a surprising influence on your weight. Animal models support these results, showing a high-salt diet increases metabolism in the animals, forcing the animals to eat 25 percent more to maintain their weight.

The correct potassium-to-sodium balance influences your risk for high blood pressure and heart disease far greater than high sodium alone.

Himalayan salt is mined from salt beds created long before plastic and other toxic chemicals were manufactured. Compared to the salt mined from oceans laden with persistent organic pollutants and microparticles of plastic, Himalayan salt is by far your best option when you want to reduce your toxic load. Himalayan salt also contains at least 80 naturally occurring trace elements in their natural mineral form, contributing to health benefits