October 2020 Newsletter
· Labour Day Closed · Whey Protein-10% Off this month · Why use whey powder? · Why use collagen protein powder? · Protein Shakes for everyone · Which diet is best to lose weight?
Read More· Labour Day Closed · Whey Protein-10% Off this month · Why use whey powder? · Why use collagen protein powder? · Protein Shakes for everyone · Which diet is best to lose weight?
Read MoreBariatric surgery is an invasive Band-Aid that puts your long-term health at risk. There are three primary types of weight loss surgery: Laparoscopic adjustable gastric band Gastric sleeve Gastric bypass In addition to a risk of infection, premature death or leaking from […]
Read MoreSleep deprivation promotes the appetite stimulating hormone ghrelin, reduces the appetite suppressing hormone leptin and changes thyroid axis function. Cortisol reductions in the evening are also slowed with sleep restriction, promoting abdominal weight gain and possibly increasing the risk of insulin […]
Read MoreThe gall bladder is a hollow inactive organ supplying bile to the digestive tract that is mainly used to emulsify fats and oils. When the liver is constantly stagnant or the bile is full of cholesterol, sediment often settles out of […]
Read MoreA 10 year study reveals that patients with regular Practitioner contact and support lose more weight and are more likely to sustain weight loss long-term. Experiencing weight-related stigma causes physical, psychological and behavioural changes that make it harder to lose weight, by […]
Read MoreDid you know that your brain controls your appetite, but the signalling comes from your long bones to regulate appetite and energy expenditure, so we need to be on our legs regularly for the long bones to communicate with the hypothalamus […]
Read MoreSleep deprivation makes you eat more. Sleep trumps exercise when it comes to weight loss and maintenance. Poor sleep increases hunger and we need 7-8 hours of sleep in the dark at night. Any more or any less sleep and it […]
Read MoreHigh protein meal replacements improve satiety & thermogenesis (calorie burning). You need 20 grams of protein to stimulate calorie burning, so a shake in the morning is a good place to start. Studies show that the largest weight loss long term […]
Read MoreAll sugars are not equal — even though they contain the same amount of calories — because they are metabolized differently in the body. Table sugar is sucrose, which is half fructose, half glucose & High-fructose corn syrup is 55 percent fructose […]
Read MoreIf you have been a yo-yo dieter and want to be healthier. Professional weight loss can give you the tools for results in 6 weeks with strategies on creating long term results. Biological consequences of Obesity: Insulin Resistance and Diabetes Mellitus […]
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